Before answering the question of choosing RFID over GPS or vice versa, it is important to understand the distinction between the two tracking systems. RFID refers to Radio-Frequency Identification, which means that a device (RFID tag) can emit radio frequencies, passively or actively, and it can be received and read within milliseconds by a receiver. On the other hand, GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and it relies upon networks of satellites to locate the receivers (GPS-enabled devices) on the planet.
Interestingly, GPS launched earlier than RFID, despite the former using more advanced technology to support its infrastructure. However, RFIDs became an indispensable part of the logistics sector, as they allowed companies to track their assets easily, efficiently, and cost-effectively. This has become invaluable to many companies because it allows them to streamline their processes while, at the same time, offering transparency.
Now that the difference between RFID and GPS has been clarified, we can go into further detail about why RFID is better than GPS and how Orbital Installation Technologies can help you with your RFID needs.
Is RFID Better than GPS?
The simple answer is yes.
The longer explanation of why RFID is better than GPS can be broken down into three big reasons.
Power Efficiency: While it’s not the most interesting or memorable factor to consider, the amount of power that GPS technology consumes – for both the emitter and the receiver – can drive up your company’s overhead costs significantly. While active RFID devices already have low power consumption, passive RFID devices don’t consume any power at all. In the long term, this can limit the company’s costs significantly.
Automation Convenience: It’s no secret that technology has increasingly been utilized to supplement the potential of human error. GPS devices require much more human interaction and supervision, while the simplicity of the RFID systems allows companies to automate the asset tracking of all the items in their inventories.
High-Value Tracking: GPS systems can be used to track high-value assets such as instruments, bottles of whiskey, or pieces of art, but they don’t match the convenience of RFID systems for the same purposes, as RFID is not reliant on directional receivers, and high-speed satellites. The tracking of your expensive goods can be instantaneous and reliable.
There are myriad other reasons why RFID is the superior option to GPS. While there are certain aspects in which companies would benefit more from using GPS, RFID is the preferable option in most regards due to the low costs and simplicity it can be to use once it has been properly installed.
To find out whether or not an RFID system would be better for your company’s needs, contacting a professional from Orbital Installation Technologies can clarify everything that has been discussed and settle the matter. While an RFID system’s actual operation and automation is quite simple, it still requires professionals to be implemented into the company.